Stuffed vegetables with sour vulgur.

Stuffed vegetables are a food so notorious that no recommendations are needed, generally eaten in the Balkans and the East, often accompanied by stuffed vine leaves, and/or stuffed zucchini blossoms, often cooked with minced meat in the filling, but here we will see the version with sour vulgur, called “ksinohodros” in Crete, which is a […]

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Zucchini blossoms stuffed with rice and crushed wheat

The flower of the zucchini tree in Cretan summer is coveted among food lovers, but difficult to find in commerce, maybe some street markets. The best are the male blossoms leading to stalk and not the ones that turn into zucchinis later. They are gathered in the morning because later they close and it’s difficult to fill them and […]

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Magiri. The traditional Cretan handmade pasta

“Magiri”. Traditional handmade pasta with flour, oil and water. In difficult times of Turkish and German occupation and poverty, the magiri nourished many generations on the island, since apart from it being economical and easy, it is also delicious, healthy and very filling. Moreover it’s vefan if you don’t add cheese. We submit the recipe and the […]

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Escargots with crushed wheat. {Hohli me hondro}

“Hohli” are the escargots which are one of the oldest foods of Cretans. Especially since they are in abundance on the island, it is certain that during the Ottoman Empire, they helped the housewives to feed their family in difficult circumstances and to provide the necessary proteins in their daily meal. Important is also the fact […]

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Lentil soup with orange peel.

Lentils with orange peel. This “humble” food, apart from very tasty, is one of the oldest foods of humanity and has beneficial properties for our health! Protects from coronary and cardiovascular diseases, rich in fibers, and 500 grams of lentils contain more proteins than 500 grams of beef! They are very popular for their high iron […]

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